Lake Tanganyika Kayak Expedition 2008

Louis Peters and Morné Smit in Bujumbura, the capital of Burundi, after successfully completing the distance.
The Lake Tanganyika Kayak Expedition crew became the first team to successfully paddle the entire length of the world’s longest lake. The crew composed of Louis Peters and Morné Smit on a PaddleYak Swift Hybrid double kayak. They were joined by Brent Wibberley for the final five days – Brent paddled the first 600km eight years previously but could not finish due to the political turmoil in Burundi.
The expedition started in Mpulungu Bay, Zambia and finished 770km later in Bujumbura the capital of Burundi. The total number of paddling days was 19 and the total expedition length was 4.5 weeks.
One year in the planning and many hours training was worth it as the crew experienced some of Africa’s most remote and wild places. Chimpanzees, crocodiles, hippos and some amazing fish all made the experience special. The paddling was technical at times with massive waves and some fearsome winds challenging the crew members.
Lake Tanganyika is a very special place and Louis, Morné and Brent will treasure the fact that they were privileged enough to see all that this magic lake had to offer.
Winston Chizu and Operation Smile
See how the expedition members are helping a young boy a cleft lip in a remote corner of Tanzania - click here.